African Alliance for People-Centered Justice

The Alliance is an innovative initiative aimed at promoting people-centered approaches to addressing the justice needs of Africa’s diverse and fast-growing population. This new coalition is designed to support governments, civil society, and justice actors across the continent by promoting and advancing people-centered justice, to ensure justice systems are accessible, fair, and responsive to the real needs of individuals and communities.

Justice scales stock photo.

Who We Are

The African Alliance for People-Centered Justice (AAPCJ) was launched on November 19, 2024 at the Knowledge Platform Annual Conference held in Dakar, Senegal, with leaders from across Africa along with international leaders of the justice sector committed to closing the justice gap in the continent. Its mission is to foster regional cooperation, catalyze funding for local justice initiatives, and strengthen the capacity of justice systems to deliver equitable and accessible solutions for all Africans.

African Alliance for People-Centered Justice logo with tri-color outline of the African continent on the top right.

Placing People at the Center of Justice in Africa

Governance Structure

The governance structure of the African Alliance for People-Centered Justice will comprise the following bodies and persons:

  1. The Secretariat will coordinate the meetings, events, website hosting, social media, queries, and fundraising efforts on behalf of the Alliance. Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies will initially serve as the secretariat until an alternative structure is proposed and adopted by the Alliance.
  2. The Regional Leads will comprise government and non-governmental organizations from each region and will be responsible for coordinating efforts within their specific regions, including the implementation of this strategy and the growth of the Alliance.
  3. The Leadership Committee will provide strategic oversight and guidance for the Alliance. It will comprise the Regional Leads, a representative of the Secretariat, a Young Justice Leader, and representatives from donors and international organizations that are part of the Alliance.
  4. The Working Groups will focus on developing knowledge and implementing various aspects of the strategy of the Alliance. The Working Groups will cover the following topics: people-centered justice research, data, and evidence, people-centered justice financing, people-centered justice communications, diverse pathways to justice, and people-centered justice for those furthest behind.

Black and white grid globe focused on Africa continent.

Founding Members

African Center of Excellence for Access to Justice
African Institute for International Law (AIIL)
AdvocAid, Sierra Leone
Community Advice Offices South Africa
Defence for Children International, Sierra Leone
Duty Solicitor Network Trustees and Management
Grassroots Justice Network
Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HiiL)
Human Rights Commission, Zambia
Justice Research Institute, Nigeria
Legal and Human Rights Centre, Tanzania
Legal Aid Council, Nigeria
Legal Aid Services in the Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Tanzania
Legal Empowerment Fund
Law Association of Zambia
National Steering Committee on the Implementation of the Alternative Justice Policy (NaSci-AJS), Kenya
Network of University Legal Aid Institutions (NULAI), Nigeria

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Office of the Attorney General & Minister of Justice, Sierra Leone
One Foundation
Pan African Lawyers Union
Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies
PILnet, Sub-Saharan Africa
Public Private Development Centre, Nigeria
Praxis Conflict Centre, Uganda
Save The Children International, East and Southern Africa Regional Office, Kenya
Terre des Hommes
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
University of Lagos, Nigeria
Young Justice Leaders
Youth and Society, Malawi

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