Justice • Apr 14, 2021

Ministerial Meeting: Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies through Justice for All

In the spring of 2021, a small group of ministers gathered for a virtual Ministerial Meeting on Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies through Justice for All.

In the spring of 2021, a small group of ministers gathered for a virtual Ministerial Meeting on Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies through Justice for All.

The meeting was organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Elders, the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, and the g7+ secretariat. Around 12 countries will be asked to participate, represented by ministers of either justice or international development. It focused on what is needed, against the backdrop of the current crisis, to implement the SDG 16+ agenda and build peaceful, just and inclusive societies. It discussed the contributions these efforts can make to implementing the UN’s Common Agenda and honoring its commitment to ensuring justice. The meeting resulted in:

–A joint letter to the UN Secretary General, as input into the UN Common Agenda.

–The launch of the Justice Action Coalition, a group of countries committed to working together to advance the realization of SDG16, with a focus on providing access to justice for all.