Justice • Oct 23, 2023

Report Launch: Diverse Pathways to People-Centered Justice

On behalf of the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice (CIJ) and SDG16+: Cordaid; Folke Bernadotte Academy; IDLO; Namati; ODI; Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies; and UNDP we are pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming high-level launch event of the report, Diverse pathways to people-centered justice.

Watch the livestream on UN Web TV

On behalf of the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice (CIJ) and SDG16+: Cordaid; Folke Bernadotte Academy; IDLO; Namati; ODI; Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies; and UNDP we are pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming high-level launch event of the report, Diverse pathways to people-centered justice.

October 23, 2023 | 11:00 a.m.—12:45 p.m. (ET) | Hybrid

Livestream link

Conference Room 6
United Nations Secretariat Building
New York, NY

For those attending in-person and require a UN pass to enter the building, the deadline to register is October 18, 12 PM (ET). Passes will be available to pick up on the morning of October 23 (instructions to follow).

During the SDG Summit, the The Working Group on CIJ and SDG16+* published a landmark report, sharing analysis and recommendations for policymakers on the centrality of CIJ systems to delivering people-centered justice consistent with SDG 16. The report constitutes one of the Justice Action Coalition’s ten deliverables at the SDG Summit 2023.

Co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Permanent Mission of Canada, the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic, and the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations, this report will be launched during a public hybrid event on the sidelines of the United Nations Sixth Committee meetings on October 23rd in NYC, and seeks to engage senior policymakers, thought leaders, and experts from the national and global levels in a dynamic dialogue on realizing people-centered justice in the context of CIJ systems.


Opening Remarks: Leonor Zalabata Torres, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations

The high-level event will also feature statements and conversations with:

  • Jhoana Alexandra Delgado Gaitán, Vice Minister for the Promotion of Justice of Colombia
  • Chief Mary Larteh, Paramount Chief of Jorquellah, Liberia
  • Hon. Luis Henry Molina, President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Dominican Republic
  • Chief Willie Plasua, President of the Malvatumauri, Vanuatu
  • Dr. Val Napoleon, Director, Indigenous Law Research Unit, and Research Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Viviana Patal, Legal Director, Women’s Justice Initiative, Guatemala
  • Dr. Margaret Satterthwaite, UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers
  • Katy Thompson, Head of Rule of Law, Security & Human Rights, UNDP

The event will be moderated by Jan Beagle, Director-General of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).

*The Working Group on CIJ and SDG16+ is a multi-stakeholder network of more than 80 organizations and individuals committed to rights-based engagement with customary, indigenous, and other informal pathways to justice as an indispensable means of achieving justice for all.
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