Justice • Feb 04, 2025

Transforming Justice in Asia-Pacific: The Case for an Open, Transparent, and People-Centered Approach

The OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting is an excellent opportunity to foster collaboration and exchange at a time when transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement are more critical than ever in strengthening democratic governance across the region.

February 4, 2025 | 1:00—3:00 p.m. (PhST)

Room 2, UP College of Law, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Manila, Philippines

RSVP here

The OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting is an excellent opportunity to foster collaboration and exchange at a time when transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement are more critical than ever in strengthening democratic governance across the region. 

The 90-minute session co-organized by Alternative Law Groups, HiiL, Indonesia Judicial Research Society, Grassroots Justice Network, and Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies will be structured as an interactive panel discussion featuring representatives from governments, judiciary, civil society organizations, grassroots justice workers, and young people. The focus will be on exploring best practices, innovations and lessons learned from the Asia-Pacific region, as well as other regions in advancing open government and people-centered justice. This will provide an opportunity for cross-regional learning and identifying actionable strategies to address shared challenges. 


  • Swati Mehta, Senior Justice Partnership Advisor, HiiL 
  • Constantinus Kristomo, Head of the Center for Cultivation and Legal Aid, National Legal Development Agency, Indonesia Ministry of Law
  • Girlie Arilla, Secretary of the Modesto Jalandoni Farmers Association (MOJAFAS)
  • Vino Lucero, former Young Justice Leader, Youth Representative, Philippines Open Government Partnership Steering Committee
  • Justice Sergon (Kenya) (online)