Justice for Women

In a world where billions of women and girls are not yet able to obtain justice, achieving gender equity and delivering justice for all by 2030 will require us to use justice systems to create opportunities for women and girls to participate fully in their societies and economies.

ethnic woman holding loudspeaker smiling at camera

Achieving justice for all requires a deep understanding of the most common justice problems that women and girls face, in addition to their experiences as they try to resolve them. Linking global advocacy and policy development to national action and local experiences is essential as we work to double down on justice for women. 

We are currently working on:

Building the movement: quarterly calls among those working for justice for women
Capturing the momentum of the High-Level Group on Justice for Women and the commitments made at the Generation Equality Forum, we host quarterly calls on Justice for Women. The discussions bring together people and organizations from across regions to inspire one another, share information, align efforts, create synergies, and form a powerful network to effect change.

A study on gender-sensitive justice financing
Pathfinders is supporting UN Women, IDLO, and the World Bank to produce a report that makes the case for financing justice for women. The study will examine the extent to which national budgets respond to women’s justice needs and the gender justice gap, using Uganda and Canada as case studies. UN Women is financing a broader literature review, which will explore public budget processes globally. An executive summary as published during Commission of the Status of Women 68 in March 2024.

a black woman and white woman hold hands in the air




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