Blog July 16, 2024

7 Ways Colombia is Making Justice More Accessible to Everyone

Front page of 7 Ways Colombia is Making Justice More Accessible to Everyone
  • Justice

Colombia has long struggled with making its justice system accessible to everyone, especially in rural and conflict-affected areas. To tackle this issue, the country has introduced Local Justice Systems (LJSs), a groundbreaking approach that serves as conduits for communities to access comprehensive justice solutions. Here are seven ways these systems are making a difference.

  1. Custom solutions: LJSs work to meet the specific needs of local communities, ensuring that justice solutions are effective. By operating within communities, LJSs empower the most vulnerable individuals, enhancing their justice journey and making them active participants in the process.
  2. Reaching remote areas: Decentralized justice services allow LJSs to overcome geographical constraints, ensuring even the most remote areas have access to justice.
  3. Working together for better justice: LJSs encourage collaboration among government institutions, local (formal and informal) justice actors, private organizations, and community leaders to address justice needs comprehensively. They rely on coordinated efforts at various levels, with strong support from the Ministry of Justice, to ensure long-term success and sustainability.
  4. Supporting community leaders: Recognizing and supporting local conflict resolution leaders helps bridge the gap between formal justice systems and community needs.
  5. Building trust: By providing timely and effective justice responses, LJSs help build trust between communities and legal institutions, encouraging more people to seek legal help.
  6. Aligning with national goals: The LJS strategy is reflected within Colombia’s National and Local Development Plans and the 2017-2027 Ten-Year Justice Plan, promoting sustainable justice reforms in line with national objectives.
  7. Empowering people by strengthening local skills: LJSs focus on enhancing local capacities through training and resource allocation, ensuring justice services are both effective and sustainable.

Through these seven initiatives, Colombia’s LJSs are making justice more accessible, effective, and community-focused, paving the way for a more equitable system for all. Explore our full report here for an in-depth look into Colombia’s innovative approach.

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