Joint Deliverables of the Justice Action Coalition Summary Report

On April 14, 2021, ministers from a diverse group of countries met at the Ministerial Meeting on Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies through Justice for All. The ministers endorsed a Joint Letter to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres and agreed to form a Justice Action Coalition, aiming to forge new partnerships and strengthen collaboration across borders.
On November 11, 2021, the senior-level meeting of the Justice Action Coalition discussed increased collaboration in the lead up to the 2023 SDG Summit. The agreed Joint Action Plan included a list of national and international priorities as well as joint deliverables. These ten joint deliverables were to be produced by and with partner organizations working on people-centered justice by the 2023 SDG Summit.
Partner organizations jointly embarked upon the implementation of the joint deliverables, providing regular progress updates throughout their development.
This document provides a summary of what was achieved under each deliverable.