Justice for Children in the Era of Data-Intensive Technologies

The first in the series of Working Papers considers Justice for Children in the Era of Data-Intensive Technologies. It highlights how the rapid emergence and advancement of digital technologies poses new challenges for the realisation of access to justice for children.
Key challenges include:
Despite rapid advancement in use of data-intensive technologies and artificial intelligence – supporting states and their public authorities in key areas such as policing, justice and child welfare – challenges remain.
Predictive analysis of large databases used by states, public authorities, and the private sector can exacerbate discrimination against marginalised communities of children.
Innovations in artificial intelligence, including ‘deep fakes,’ and chatbots, are creating new ways to perpetuate violence against children.
The use of communications interceptions, internet shutdowns, biometric identification and technologically advanced weapons devices on children during times of peaceful protest risks their rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, privacy, non-discrimination, and others.
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